Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Gist Search Workaround

OK I'm loving gist, but tis annoying that their own search engine won't let a user search among their own gists.

For example, if I want to search my own gists for a VBA script that helps find the last used row of a spreadsheet, I have to go through gust by gist.

Luckily, google indexes my I can do this:

VBA last row site:

Code Snippet Resources

Here is a nice run down of code snippets from Cameron at SmashingMagazine:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Gist Rocks!

I'm using gist as my main code snippet repos:

Pages Gadget added but not visible

I tried to add the pages gadget, but it wasn't visible.

Here's the fix:

On the blogger control panel, click the Pages button on the left, then look for the Show Page As option..change it to something other than Do Not Show:

Thanks to: